Recreated Slides to Make More Visible and Attractive

Buyer Request / Job Requirement
Recreate 30 slides in PPT to make it more visible and attractive. Luckily all the data is there, but I need all to be created again as it is very difficult to move anything around or adjust. Currently the content doesn't fill the slides and when you try and adjust it doesn't look good. So each slide needs to be recreated to make them more easily adjustable. Also, please use reds and light red colour scheme for the tables and boxes. Currently I think they are a yellow colour. 

Review / Comments After Job Completion 
Excellent work completed for me, I needed 30 project PowerPoint slides to be recreated and improved and he did it perfectly.

Original File

Converted File / After Work Done

Edit Spreadsheet of Almost 900 Rows

Buyer Request / Job Requirement Edit a spreadsheet to import into different accountancy software. I have a list of ~800 transactions I’ve ex...